Handshower Slide Bars & Accessories

Slide Bars & Handshower Holders

We offer an assortment of handshower accessories—including slide bars, holders, and mounts—that contribute to a more enjoyable bathing experience. A slide bar allows you to adjust the height of your handheld shower, making it an essential accessory in the bathroom. Use a slide bar to convert your handshower into a stationary unit, or as a convenient storage place when it’s not in use. A holder is an accessory designed to keep the unit in a fixed position, ideal for a hands-free shower. Simply mount the handshower holder and adjust its angle and location on the slide bar to meet the requirements of the user. You’ll find universal holders that attach to any type of slide bar, and replacement models that mount on an existing Moen or Brizio handshower set. Our handshower slide bars, holders, and accessories come in colors and finishes that complement your existing bathroom fixtures, including black, chrome, bronze, and brass.