Bathtub Fillers & Spouts

Faucets & Spouts for the Bathtub

Typically called a tub spout or faucet, a filler delivers hot and cold water into a bathtub. A filler faucet is designed to dispense water quickly so it doesn’t cool before the tub is filled. Riverbend Home offers tub fillers in finishes, designs, and sizes to complement your bathroom décor, including chrome, bronze, stainless steel, and brass.

A freestanding filler installs outside of the tub. Mounted to the floor, this type of filler works well with a freestanding tub installed against a wall or in the middle of the room. A wall-mounted filler attaches to a wall near the tub; use a wall-mounted tub filler with a freestanding or alcove bath. A deck-mount tub filler attaches to the surround of a drop-in or apron tub; our deck-mount fillers come in elegant Roman-inspired designs. Find freestanding, deck-, and wall-mounted tub fillers in many configurations, from units with two separate handles and a faucet to one-piece models with a spout and lever. You’ll also find tub filler faucets with an accompanying handshower for the ultimate bathing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Good Flow Rate for a Tub Filler?

A filler with a flow rate of at least eight gallons per minute will fill your tub quickly so you can enjoy your soak sooner.

What Is a Roman Tub Filler?

Originally crafted to evoke the feel of a traditional Roman bath, this type of filler spout mounts on a tub deck. The trademark of an authentic Roman bathtub faucet is a high arch, though contemporary models vary in design. Riverbend Home offers a wide selection of traditional and contemporary Roman tub fillers.

Can You Use a Bathroom Sink Faucet on a Tub?

No. Tub fillers and sink faucets are not interchangeable. A sink faucet attaches to a small water supply pipe and produces a flow rate of about a gallon a minute. A bathtub filler faucet connects to a large water supply pipe that can accommodate a high flow rate of six to nine gallons per minute.